
People are our most challenging organisational programme

Every day we dedicate ourselves to a specialised segment of travelling, one that fulfils the needs of the most important 'public bodies' and 'most committed public officers'.

From individual missions to the management of large masses of participants.

Just think of over 80,000 guests we looked after at the European Pavilion during Expo 2015 or the approximately 3,000 events per year on 5 continents, which form an extraordinary base of experience on which we build increasingly tailored and innovative services every day.

With our partner network, we form one of the most comprehensive travel assistant systems on the market within one of the leading groups of public institutions.

We have been able to collect a number of cases that, with various aspects and diverse and selective requirements, express complexity, size and also adaptability and flexibility in the delivery of integrated travelling services.

World Health Organization

Management of regional summits involving delegations from over 60 countries with thousands of participants from all over the world to whom we provide logistic accommodation and hospitality services.

European Central Bank

This major Central Bankers' Forum has been held in Sintra for the past eight years and will be attended by more than 120 delegates from all over the world and international speakers for whom all logistics, accommodation and side activities as well as transfers will be provided.


Over 450 events with thousands of participants in ordinary and extraordinary training grounds such as boot camps and military sites across Europe.


Travel management, accommodation and transfers, VIP service for 57 Heads of State and their Delegations through our Metis platform on the occasion of the 2018 Ministerial Council. The chauffeur-driven car fleet of 220 vehicles was also prepared.

European Anti-Fraud Office

Turnkey logistics service worldwide including standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services. It includes both experts'missions and the management of participants in events promoted/organised by the Agency.


Turnkey logistics service worldwide including standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services. It includes both experts'missions and the management of participants in events promoted/organised by the Agency.


Turnkey logistics service worldwide mainly on the Eurasian market including standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services. It includes both Eu-Lisa expert missions and the management of participants at Eu-Lisa-promoted/organised events.

European Training Foundation

Turnkey logistics service worldwide mainly on the Eurasian market including both standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services. It includes both expert missions and the management of participants in events promoted/organised by ETF.

Anna Lindh Foundation

Managing the entire mobility of the Foundation's experts from 52 countries and event participants in the Eurafrican area with a centre of gravity in Alexandria, Egypt.

Union for the Mediterranean

Managing the entire mobility of the Foundation's experts from 43 countries and event participants in the Eurafrican area with a centre of gravity in Barcelona.

Western Balkans

Turnkey logistics service worldwide mainly in the Balcanic area including standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services. We also manage all the activities and trips of about 150 Young Ambassadors.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Managing the entire mobility of the entity's experts and event participants with a centre of gravity in Vienna.

Expo Milano

Management of the European Pavilion and all tourist traffic related to the event to and from Milan with a total flow of approximately 80,000 participants and travellers over 6 months. VIP services were also offered as well as the management of the entire system of logistics, flights, transfers and accommodation in the city of Milan.


Turnkey logistics service of both standard flight, transfer, accommodation and VIP services globally with high initiative density in Latin America.